Saturday, April 21, 2012

Painting Alaska Wild

April 20th proved to be a beautiful day in Alaska.  And a Friday at that!  Fridays are the day the Plein Air Painters of Alaska get together and fling some paint.  Indoors through the winter but this was the 2nd week that outdoor painting was at it's best. 

So this was my start. Then it was off to lunch with an old friend and a new one!  Great visiting with you Marianne and Diane :)

So, Sat April 21st rolls around and it's time to take that painting back outdoors and continue on while the whole feeling of being there was still fresh in my mind.   Note, that the scene in my backyard is not quite the same as this painting site but there was enough on my canvas and in my memory to get it to a place of completion. 

"The Happy Dance"

 Except curious eyes made it difficult to decide where the next brushstroke will go!

I do believe this little on~looker thought there should be a moose in this painting one way or another :)

Then realized it just wouldn't work, so he continued to satisfy his large appetite and let me paint.

Painting is almost done but cold hands and nearing moose caused me to pack it in for the day.
Be watching my website, for posting of completed painting.

Thanks for visiting :)