Sunday, December 4, 2011


Swansea, Massachusetts is a wonderful little New England town.  I was there visiting in October and while sitting on a dock wondering how to fill the day, I was visited by not one, not two, but dozens of beautiful swans.  How appropriate!   One swan in particular sat with it's wings fluffed and quietly paraded around saying in silent overtures,  "paint me"  and so of course, not being one who likes to argue with swans, did so.   Although it was a river, the name remains... "Swansea"

Unframed size is 6x6
Framed size is 10.5 x 10.5

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, I get it - Swan-see!

    Although I have counted 45 swans on a walk with Paco on a river in Warren, right near where we painted!!!~
    Beautiful painting, great framing!


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